Ask Your Self These ten (10) questions
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Source: Mr Pawan
Release date: 2023-10-31

Ask yourself these 10 Questions; (They will change your life)
1. Is my social circle influencing my life positively ?
The circle of friends that you hang out with will have an impact on your attitude and behavior.
You need friends who discuss:
• Investments
• Business ideas
• Personal growth
Your friends should force you to grow.
2. Am I happy with my job ?
Confucius once said;
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
If you don't enjoy your job, it's not worth wasting 60+ years of your life.
Find a new job, or learn a skill.
Turn your passion into an income.
3. What’s the most important lesson I’ve learnt so far in life, and am I living by it?
Life is full of lessons, some more subtle than others.
Determine which life lesson has been most important so far,
Then reflect on your actions to see if you’re following it.
4. What are you taking for granted ?
Whether it’s:
• Your family or friends
• Your happiness
• Your health
Most people have a lot to be grateful for.
Appreciating what you’ve got will make you realize how lucky you are.
Sit back and realize what you already have.
5. Do I worry too much about what others think of me ?
Psychology says, worrying less about what others think is a form of self-care.
Not caring what others think of you saves a lot of mental energy.
Who gives a f*ck what people think ?
Do what's best for you!
6. When should I say "no" ?
Saying no allows us to choose where we put our time and energy.
It allows us to focus on giving it to the people – and parts of our life – that really deserve it.
And this is when we'll start to thrive.
Say "no" more and your life will be easier.
7. What would I do if I wasn’t scared ?
A head full of fear, has no space for dreams.
Paulo Coelho once said;
"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."
Take more risks, and fear less.
When you risk, you either win, or you learn.
8. How is my story holding me back ?
We are defined by the stories we tell ourselves.
Are you letting yourself be defined by a negative narrative?
We can choose to focus on the stories that empower us, and see ourselves and our strengths
9. What do I want my legacy to be ?
When we get caught up in the time of day-to-day life, it’s easy to forget the big picture.
How do you want to be remembered?
What impact do you want to have with your life?
Picture what people would be talking about you during a speech.
10. What are my top 5 strengths ?
Make a list of your top five strengths

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